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Jennifer Takaoka


Meet Jennifer Takaoka

Jennifer Takaoka is a Fairfax-based professional and student with experience generating sales, customer service, and more. She has a proven track record and a commitment to proving her worth. Jennifer has many passions and hobbies, including reading, cooking, music, and art.

Currently, much of Jennifer Takaoka‘s time is dedicated to her studies. She is actively working toward her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Business Finance. She finds these subjects exciting and challenging in equal measure, meaning it is the perfect field for her. Alongside her studies, Jennifer has managed several jobs to increase her experience before graduation. She has primarily worked in sales, and her success speaks for itself. She has achieved and exceeded sales metric goals, demonstrated sales performance and leadership skills, and generated business leads through networking.

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About Jennifer Takaoka

Outside her studies and work, Jennifer Takaoka relishes her hobbies and interests. Jennifer enjoys consuming many varieties of media, especially movies and novels. She adores reading thrillers and mysteries, and as such, her favorite author is James Patterson. Given his prolific writing, there’s always a new book waiting for Jennifer to pick up. 

Jennifer Takaoka is a dedicated music enthusiast. Her appreciation extends beyond merely listening, as she particularly relishes exploring new and unfamiliar musical genres. Jennifer goes the extra mile to deepen her connection with music by playing the violin. However, her musical pursuits are not confined to personal enjoyment alone. A commendable aspect of Jennifer’s involvement with music is her commitment to community service. She contributes to her community by playing her violin for differently-abled individuals. Through her musical talents, she seeks to create a positive and uplifting experience for those facing challenges, showcasing how the universal language of music can transcend barriers and bring joy to others.

Over the years, Jennifer Takaoka has become increasingly aware of the changes in technology and how it can impact creative endeavors. For example, the music industry is experiencing a significant trend marked by the surge of virtual concerts and live-streamed performances. This phenomenon reshapes the landscape, offering artists and audiences novel ways to connect and engage. The influence of streaming services remains pronounced, asserting dominance in the distribution realm and shaping how consumers discover and enjoy music spanning a wide array of genres.

Jennifer Takaoka‘s passion for creativity extends beyond the realm of music; she finds equal joy in drawing. Engaging in this visual expression allows Jennifer to explore and communicate her thoughts and emotions in a different medium. Drawing is a captivating outlet for her imagination, enabling her to bring unique concepts and ideas to life on paper.

For Jennifer Takaoka, the outdoors is a source of inspiration and a sanctuary for relaxation and introspection. Whether she’s strolling through scenic landscapes or settling into a serene spot for meditation, the natural world plays a pivotal role in shaping her moments of tranquility and connection with the environment. In this way, Jennifer’s affinity for the outdoors reflects a deep appreciation for the rejuvenating power of nature and its profound impact on her overall sense of balance and inner peace.

To learn more about Jennifer Takaoka, follow her on social media!